West Wareham, MA

SEMASS Baghouse Building Foundation

Scope of Work
Cianbro provided excavation, backfill, concrete foundation placement, and electrical grounding for a new baghouse and oil tank foundation.
Project Details
  • Excavation
  • Backfill
  • Formwork
  • Rebar
  • Placing concrete for foundations
  • Electrical grounding
Lean, Innovative and Unique Project Solutions
The new baghouse foundation was a single monolithic, 1,000-cubic-yard concrete placement. The site team coordinated with multiple concrete supply locations in the area to sole-source the work on the day of the concrete placement, also ensuring the supplier would open their plants early enough to provide service to the site at 4 a.m. The owner helped modify plant traffic to provide unimpeded access to the pour location. Cianbro's subcontractor utilized two concrete pump trucks and placed 100 truckloads of concrete in a single day. In addition, Cianbro contracted with a third-party engineering firm to monitor and track temperatures during and after placement for curing.
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Corporate Headquarters
P.O. Box 1000
Pittsfield, ME 04967

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