Haverhill, MA

Rehabilitation of Merrimack River Bridge Piers

Scope of Work
Cianbro rehabilitated the Merrimack River Bridge located in Haverhill, Massachusetts. This bridge plays a vital role in the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority’s (MBTA) operation, Amtrak Downeaster, and PanAm’s freight operation. The scope of work entailed the Design Build rehabilitation of the bridge’s substructure, and the provision of scour countermeasures for the in-water elements.
Project Details
  • Cianbro performed the following tasks:
    • Repointed stone joints and repaired nose using a masonry trade partner with historic stone structure experience
    • Installed and reinforced concrete micro-pile shafts for the construction of secant walls at the North and South Abutments
    • Installed steel sheet piles for scour countermeasure walls, around the granite block river piers
    • Conducted permeation grouting beneath Piers 1 thru 4
    • Installed grouted rip rap armament between scour walls and the existing substructure
Lean, Innovative and Unique Project Solutions
Cianbro coordinated with the Phase 1 Contractor performing superstructure repairs, which required a mandatory shutdown due to the type of work entailed. During construction, trains were permitted to cross the bridge numerous times a day. Additionally, Cianbro only performed work during the allowable periods so that impacts to the protected fish species would be eliminated. In addition to time-of-year restrictions and winter shutdowns, turbidity curtains were also installed as an added measure of protection.
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P.O. Box 1000
Pittsfield, ME 04967

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